On the occasion of its 110th birthday and the sponsored exhibition of Benini's paintings at the Landmark Center.
City of Orlando, Florida | 17" x 24"
On the occasion of its 110th birthday and the sponsored exhibition of Benini's paintings at the Landmark Center.
City of Orlando, Florida | 17" x 24"
On the occasion of its 110th birthday and the sponsored exhibition of Benini's paintings at the Landmark Center.
City of Orlando, Florida | 17" x 24"
The symbol of the Rose was the predominant theme in the early work of Italian Artist Benini.
Memories of his grandmother's garden in Italy where roses were often the size of dinner plates left a strong impression in his early years.
As an artist, he chose the symbol to explore the power of line and color, shape and design. The rose was featured in his symbolic and surrealistic paintings through the 70’s and 80’s, exhibited in museums and universities here and abroad.
This commemorative poster celebrates the Benini exhibition hosted by the City of Orlando for their 110th birthday in 1985. The rose and the ballerina, both frequent symbols in Benini’s work of the 80’s, unite in a study of design and color.
For the exhibition at the Landmark Center, the Orlando Civic Ballet performed the unveiling of Benini’s paintings, including three paintings each 18 feet tall, with three roses.